국민공통기본교육과정으로서 초등학교 영어교육의 교과통합적 접근 재조명

Review on Cross-curricular Approach of English Education in Elementary School as the National Common Basic Curriculum

  • 투고 : 20040200
  • 심사 : 20040400
  • 발행 : 2004.04.30


The purpose of the present study is to develop several types of English teaching/learning models in view of cross-curricular approach in Korean elementary school. Brewster(1992)' model is suitable for younger children as well as the 1st or 2nd graders. For 3rd or 4th graders, Halliwel1(1997)' model seems more proper type in Korean EFL situation. There has been studying for cross-curricular approach in elementary English education. Many studies has recently focused the characteristics of elementary students by cognitive and psychological perspectives. Among them, Park(1996)'s research talks about the elementary school students. Han(1996)'s research based on the notion of applied to other subjects. Kim(1999)'s also emphasized the importance of linking other subjects. Kim(2003) argued the need of integrating English with other subjects. The elementary education as the National Common Basic Curriculum(NCBC) has the essence of cross-curricular approach, so the English education will be linked with other subject matters more and more, not just as for Communicative function based English education but as both content and function based subject matter.
