- 景岳全書 張介賓
- 婦科證治 孫久齡
${\cdot}$ 中醫婦科治療大成 郭志强;張宗芳 - 新編婦科秘方大全 柯新嬌
- 實用臨床月經病學 鄭其國
- 中醫臨床婦科學 夏桂成
- 用中西醫結合不孕不育診斷學 程涇主
- 漢方婦人科學 宋炳基
- 校正方劑大辭典 江克明;包明蕙
${\cdot}$ 方劑分冊 中醫大辭典編輯委員會 - 實用中醫方劑學 游士勳;張錦淸
- 한의학대사전 한의학대사전편찬위원회
- 婦人科方劑學 大田大學校 第12期 卒業準備委員會
- 임상부인과 내분비학 구병삼
- 韓醫婦人科學 韓醫婦人科學 編纂委員會
- J. Hum. Hypertens v.12 The potential role of angiotensin II in the vasculature Levy BI
- , In; The renin angiotensin system-Biochemistry, Physiology, Pathophysiology and Therapeutics v.1 Renin and angiotensin; a historical review Robertson JIS;Robertson JIS;Nicholls MG.(Eds.)
- Adv. Exp. Med. Biol v.377 Regulation of angiotensin II receptor expression in ovarian follicles; a review Nielsen AH(et al)
- Human Reprod v.12 Tissue renin-angiotensin systems and reproduction Vinson GP(et al)
- Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol v.19 Measurement and identification of prorenin and renin in ovarian folliclular fluid from cattle and pig Hagemann A(et al)
- Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comms v.165 Identification of angiotensin II receptor subtypes Chiu AT(et al)
- Pharmacol. Rev v.45 Angiotensin II receptors and angiotensin II receptor antagonists Timmermans PBMWM(et al)
- 부인과학(제3판) 대한산부인과학회 교과서편찬위원회
- Fertil Steril v.36 Prediction of the time of ovulation Garcia JE;Jomes GS;Wright GL
- Fertil Steril, 34, 89, 1980 v.34 Prediction & detection of ovulation Moghissi KS
- 黃帝內經素問譯解 楊維傑
- 王叔和脈經 王叔和
- 備急千金要方 孫思邈
- 增補百病辨證錄 陳士鐸
${\cdot}$ 婦科心法要訣 吳謙 - 黃帝內經素問語解 楊維傑
- 廣嗣紀要(醫部全錄卷九) 萬全
- 巢氏諸病源候論 巢元方
- 濟陰綱目 武之望
- 葉天士女科 葉桂
- 石室秘錄 陳士鐸
- 不孕不育與月經週期調理 夏桂成
- 中西醫臨床婦科學 洪家鐵
- 인체생리학 고건일 등
- 現代中醫婦科臨床 李淑敏
- 實用中醫婦科學 羅元愷
- 一百天學中醫婦科 載德英;楊炳初
- 實用中西醫結合婦科學 王愛芹;曹慧娟
- 本草學 全國韓醫科大學本草學敎授
- 臨床本草學 辛民敎
- 中醫婦人科學 羅元愷
- 中醫婦科學 馬寶璋
- Gynecology illustrated(2nd edit.) Matthew G;Colin H;Robin C
- Bailliers Clin. Endocr., Metabol v.1 Opioid peptides in blood and cerebrospinal fluid during acute stress Owens PC;Smith R
- Endocrinology v.137 Angiotensin II induces ovulation and oocyte maturation in rabbit ovaries via the AT2 receptor subtype Yoshimura Y(et al)
- Clin Endocrinol Metab v.7 Cyclic changes in antral fluid hormone concen- trations in humans McNatty KP
- 생리학 성호경;김기환
Am J Obstet Gynecol
Temporal relationships between ovulation & defined changes in the concentration of plasma estradiol-17
${\beta}$ , luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone & progesterone, I, probit Analysis World Health organization Task Force - 大韓産婦人科學會誌 v.37 no.7 난소의 Renin-Angiotensin System과 성호르몬 합성과의 관계 박원일 등
- J Clin Endocrinol Metab v.68 The importance of luteinizing hormone in the control of inhibin & progesterone secretion by the human corpus luteum McLachlan RI;Cohen NL;Vale WW
- Fertil Steril v.38 The endocrinology of the menstrual cycle; in the interaction of folliculogenesis & neuroendocrine mechanisms Fritz MA;Speroff L
- Fertil Steril v.38 The dominant ovarian follicle Hodgen GD
- J. Histochem. Cytochem v.46 Localization of the mRNA for the angiotensin II receptor subtype 2(AT2) in follicular granulosa cells of the rat ovary by radioactive in situ hybridization Obermller N(et al)
- Endocrinology v.128 Biochemical properties of the ovarian granulosa cell type 2-angiotensin II receptor Pucell AG(et al)
- J. Anat Immunohistochemical localization of angiotensin II receptor subtype 1 and 2 in the porcine fetal, prepubertal and postpubertal ovary Shuttleworth G(et al)
- Obstet Gynecol v.69 Gonadotrophin binding sites in human ovarian follicles & corpora lutea during the menstrual cycle Shima K;Kitayama S;Nakano R