Development and Application of Web-Based Shopping Systems Configuration Model for the Activation of Electronic Commerce: Concerning both the Business and Technical Issues

전자상거래 확산을 위한 웹기반 쇼핑시스템의 상황모형의 개발 및 적용: 경영과 기술의 조화로운 연구관점

  • Received : 2004.08.27
  • Accepted : 2004.12.03
  • Published : 2004.12.25


Research relevant to the electronic commerce tends to either overestimate or underrate the role of Information and Communication Technology (lCT). There is both technological skepticism within the social science circles and technical optimism within the engineering and computing field. Each perspective seems to have a limitation in adequately explaining the phenomenon of electronic commerce diffusion. Therefore, this research attempts to explore major characteristics of Web-based shopping systems as enablers of new business, concerning both the technical and business aspects in contemporary electronic commerce settings. On this basis, this paper addresses a configuration model of WBSS on the harmonious perspective concerning both the technical and business issues. It is our hope that both technical perspective and business perspective for exploring WBSS's configuration model presented in this paper can be an initial step towards a more balanced debate of ICT role, for electronic commerce.



Supported by : 영남대학교