The Effects of a Preventive Educational Program on the Osteoporosis Knowledge among the Middle-Aged Women in Korea

  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


The purpose of this study was to assess whether the osteoporosis preventive educational program has changed the middle-aged women's knowledge on osteoporosis. A one group pretest-posttest design was used. A total of 27 women (at pretest) and 27 women (at posttest) who were volunteers participated. The intervention program content included lecture and exercise entitled The Prevention of Osteoporosis. This program design consisted of one 3-hour session per week and lasted over 4-week period. Osteoporosis Knowledge Questionnaire (OKQ) was used. The OKQ contains 20 true-false items to measure the knowledge levels about osteoporosis. The Kuder-Richardson test (KR 20), used as an estimate of internal consistency for knowledge, was .7783. Overwhelming majority of the participants (96.2%) were ranging in age from 40 to 60. About half of the participants were college graduates and the majority of them (77.8%) had no jobs. The educational program significantly increased osteoporosis knowledge in middle-aged women. Results of this study shows that educational program is effective in increasing knowledge of osteoporosis. Further study using the same program with different age group is needed to measure knowledge, behavior and attitude on osteoporosis.



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