Impact of Information Systems and Organizational Adjustment on the Successful Introduction of Management Techniques

정보시스템과 조직구조의 조정이 성공적인 경영기법 도입에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 2004.03.31


Management is under constant pressures to achieve competitiveness in production in most manufacturing companies. The adoption of management techniques(MT) such as TQM, MRP, ERP and so on has been a logical response for better performance to many companies. Besides, these companies commonly adopt a number of such techniques with high expectation for performance improvement. However, expected improvement in performance is not guaranteed unless necessary ingredients exist for those techniques. Many research studies have focused on the nature of successful adoption of management techniques in the past. However, most studies have been related to a single technique and its effects. When more than one techniques are in use in a company, focusing on a single technique limits the value of analysis. This paper focuses the value of MTs adopted in a company in multiplicity and compares the relative characteristics of MTs one another. Especially, the purpose of this paper is to examine the comparative nature of MTs adopted In manufacturing companies and the elements of MT success in relationship with information systems and organizational adjustment for adoption of MTs. The result of the analysis shows that the more efforts are exhorted for the adjustment of information systems and organizational structures to accommodate the MTs, the more success from the adopted techniques results. However, the extent of adjustment for different management techniques differs one another due to the nature of each technique. With regard to the comparative impact of adjustment of information systems and that of organizational structures, the result shows that the latter has more direct and greater impact than the former.



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