Quantitative Performance Analysis of Buyer-Carts in B2B EC: Buyer's Interactional Efforts Perspective

기업간 전자상거래에서의 구매자 쇼핑카트 정량적 성능분석: 구매자의 상호작용 노력 중심

  • 임규건 (세종대학교 경영학부) ;
  • 이재규 (한국과학기술원(KAIST) 테크노경영대학원)
  • Published : 2004.03.31


Even though B2B EC is becoming popular, there have been not so much studies about performance evaluation methodology for B2B systems. In this paper, after analyzing buyer-carts systematically focusing on the buyer's interactional efforts on the typical buying processes of each buyer-cart, we propose a quantitative performance evaluation model. For this, we categorize buyer-carts in B2B EC as s-cart, i-cart, and b-cart depending upon its residing sites: seller, intermediary, and buyer sites. And after proposing the desired features of buyer-carts in B2B EC as identification, collection, trashing, ordering, payment, tracking, recording, purchasing decision support, and transmission of records to e-procurement systems, we derive a performance evaluation model by calculating detail sub-processes from the desired features' viewpoints. By setting variables from a survey on the actual condition of using buyer-carts in companies in Korea, we try to evaluate the performance of buyer-carts in B2B EC. In this paper, we suggest a new methodology of performance evaluation for B2B systems, and show that the b-cart platform is more efficient than other buyer-carts especially in B2B EC.



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