Deriving the Success Factors for Retailing Web Sites: A Comparison of Web Site Types

웹 사이트 성공 영향요인 도출과 웹 사이트 유형별 비교 분석

  • 임미희 (한국 과학기술원 테크노 경영대학원) ;
  • 최수영 (한국 과학기술원 테크노 경영대학원) ;
  • 이희석 (한국 과학기술원 테크노 경영대학원)
  • Published : 2004.06.30


Finding the factors to affect the success of the business web sites is critical to enhance their competitiveness. This paper categorizes these factors into 4 quality measures: system, information, service and entertainment. The success is measured via user's satisfaction and loyalty. It surveys 474 Internet users to explore the effect of the quality measures on web site success. We confirm the causal effect of quality factors on users' satisfaction and loyalty. Furthermore, a comparative study is performed for web site types, such as finance, e-commerce(shopping mall), and entertainment. We note that the effect differs in web site types.



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