An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Customer Value and Repurchase Intentions of Online Business

온라인 비즈니스의 고객가치와 재구매 의도의 관계에 관한 실증연구

  • 주재훈 (동국대학교 전자상거래학과)
  • Published : 2004.12.31


Customer value is the source for competitive advantage of online businesses such as Internet shopping malls and portal service. It is important to analyze the relationship between customer value and repurchase in order to provide a guideline of successful online business. The purpose of this paper is to get answers for the following questions. First, what are key components of customer value in online business? Second, What difference exists in the importance or expectance of customer value and its current service level of online business? Finally, what influence relationships exist in customer value and repurchase intentions? Data were collected from 615 respondents who experienced purchase on the Internet shopping malls. This paper developed and empirically tested a model representing the relationships between customer value factors and repurchase intentions as well as difference between the importance of customer value and its service level. The findings here suggested that the service level of customer value was significantly lower than its importance, and customer value factors positively affected the repurchase intentions. Specifically, economy and trust/responsiveness value factors directly affected the repurchase intentions while other factors such as convenience, speed, personalization, community, and emotion value indirectly affected it through trust/responsiveness.



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