- A 3D Evaluation System on Web for Reliable Furniture Product Development -

신뢰성 높은 가구산업 신제품의 3D Modeling Solution 개발에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2004.12.01


This development has tried to scheme out the convenience for users to use the 3D modeling solution which is developed from the existing programs. The extended 3D modeling solution, to be developed through the use of the API which is provided and Microsoft Access, database is able to reuse the parts, subassemblies of parts, and assemblies. A methodology exhibits the possibility to use a Spinfire Professional Spinfire Reader program. The web evaluation system, which is used to connected with the Internet explorer and to construct a web service, will repeat the evaluations of the company staffs and customers about the new products which the company have designed. The furniture manufacturing company will adopt the 3D modelling solution in modelling the new products and go through the web evaluation system to collect dissatisfied facts of the customers or the company staffs against the new product. Finally, it will contribute to the enormous benefit creation of the enterprise.



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