Among the semiconductor If-chips, unlike memory chips, a majority of Application Specific IC(ASIC) products are produced by customer orders, and meeting the customer specified due date is a critical issue for the case. However, to the one who understands the nature of semiconductor manufacturing, it does not take much effort to realize the difficulty of meeting the given specific production due dates. Due to its multi-layered feature of products, to be completed, a semiconductor product(called device) enters into the fabrication manufacturing process(FAB) repeatedly as many times as the number of the product specified layers, and fabrication processes of individual layers are composed with similar but not identical unit processes. The unit process called photo-lithography is the only process where every layer must pass through. This re-entrant feature of FAB makes predicting and planning of due date of an ordered batch of devices difficult. Parallel machines problem in the photo process, which is bottleneck process, is solved with restricted roll out algorithm. Roll out algorithm is a method of solving the problem by embedding it within a dynamic programming framework. Restricted roll out algorithm Is roll out algorithm that restricted alternative states to decrease the solving time and improve the result. Results of simulation test in condition as same as real FAB facilities show the effectiveness of the developed algorithm.