Clustering Patterns in the Manufacturing Sectors of Japan

  • Carvajal, Carlos A. (Industrial Engineeing and Management, Tokyo Institute of Technology) ;
  • Watanabe, Chihiro (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


Japan's economic clusters are characterized by their high level of diversity. In essence, Japanese economic clusters are not limited to single industries; they comprise numerous manufacturing industries and firms which cluster in specific heterogeneous economic zones, vice political boundaries. Japanese manufacturing sectors are showing an increased level of diversity, resulting in the spread of experience and knowledge among clusters, and sustained growth at the point of industrial structural transformation. Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) proposed the creation of intellectual clusters for the purpose of promoting research and development(R&D) activities resulting in the stimulation and development of new technologies. The Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry (METI) is also proposing the industrial cluster plan with the aim to promote the local rebirth and revitalization of the Japanese industrial sector. This paper proposes a methodological analysis which will result in the integration of the two policies currently implemented by the Japanese government. If the current policies are not coordinated and integrated, artificial firms and sectors will continue to hamper innovation and discourage competitiveness, which will ultimately result in Japan's loss of economic opportunities within Asia. In the worst case, failure to act on current economic deficiencies illuminated in this paper could cost Japan its position as an Asian economic leader.
