프리스트레스트 콘크리트 구조물의 합리적인 최적설계

Reasonable Optimum Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

  • 김종옥 (공주대학교 산업과학대학)
  • 발행 : 2004.01.01


This study was carried out to find out the reasonable optimum design method for the design of prestressed concrete structures. The optimum design problems were formulated and computer programs to solve these problems were developed. To test the reliablity, efficiency, possibility of application and reasonablity of optimum design problems and computer programs, both continuous optimization method and mixed-discrete optimization method were applied to the design of prestressed concrete composite girder and application results were discussed. It is proved that mixed-discrete optimization method is more reliable, efficient and reasonable than continuous optimization method for the optimum design of prestressed concrete structures.



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