PDAODMRP: An Extended PoolODMRP Based on Passive Data Acknowledgement

  • Published : 2004.12.01


An ad hoc network is a multi-hop wireless network. Its limited bandwidth and frequently changing topology require that its protocol should be robust, simple, and energy conserving. We have proposed PoolODMRP to reduce its control overhead greatly by its one-hop local route maintenance. However, PoolODMRP still has some shortcomings. In this paper, we propose PDAODMRP (passive data acknowledgement ODMRP) to extend PoolODMRP. Compared with PoolODMRP, PDAODMRP has the following contributions: (1) It knows the status of its downstream forwarding nodes by route information collected from data packets instead of BEACON signal of MAC layer; (2) it max simplifies the route information collected from data packets by pool nodes; (3) it adopts a dynamic local route maintenance to enforce its local route maintenance; (4) it adopts the route evaluation policy of NSMP (neighbor supporting multicast protocol). Compared with PoolODMRP, PDAODMRP has lower control overhead, lower data delivery delay, and lower data overhead.



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