한반도 서해상으로 장거리 이동하는 SO2의 농도 및 연직분포 특징

The Vertical Distribution Patterns of Long Range Transported SO2 in Korea Peninsula

  • 한진석 (국립환경연구원 대기화학과) ;
  • 안준영 (국립환경연구원 대기화학과) ;
  • 홍유덕 (국립환경연구원 대기화학과) ;
  • 공부주 (국립환경연구원 대기화학과) ;
  • 이석조 (국립환경연구원 대기화학과) ;
  • 선우영 (건국대학교 환경공학과)
  • Han, J.S. (Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Institute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Ahn, J.Y. (Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Institute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Hong, Y.D. (Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Institute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Kong, B.J. (Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Institute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Lee, S.J. (Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Institute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Sunwoo, Y. (Department of Environmental Engineering, Konkuk University)
  • 발행 : 2004.01.01


This study was carried out to understand long-range transport of $SO_2$ using aircraft measurements for the identification of it's horizontal and vertical concentration and distribution pattern. Thirteen missions of aircraft measurements have been done around 37$^{\circ}$00'/124$^{\circ}$30' from October 1997 to November 2001. Concentrations of $SO_2$ was 1.5~2.0 ppb in the below mixing layer, 0.6~1.1 ppb in the above mixing layer. $SO_2$ was found to be relatively higher than marine background level, 0.08~0.2ppb, indicating the western coast being influenced by long-range transport except for the summer season. The vertical distribution of $SO_2$ was classified into 3 groups using its vertical sounding and meteorology pattern; the first is linear decay pattern, the second is exponential decay pattern, and the last is gaussian distribution pattern in the below mixing layer, 2 patterns of linear decay and gaussian distribution patterns in the upper layer. It is founded that vertical distribution pattern is strongly dependent on meteorological condition, for example atmospheric stability and predominant air flow.



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