농촌민박 경영체의 운영 실태 및 내방객 인지 분석

The Situations of Farm Stay and Visitor's Perceptions in Rural Korea

  • 발행 : 2004.05.25


The purpose of this study was to explore the situations of farm stay and visit's perceptions in rural Korea. The data were collected by questionnaire and case study, and obtained from 104 visitors, 104 host farmers, 104 village people in twenty two rural villages from September 20, 2002 to November 21, 2002 and analyzed by SPSS WIN 10. The statistical method was crosstabulation and chi-square. The major findings of this study were as follows; First, the priorities of government policy for farm stay were to build the physical infrastructure such as village road and parking lot, to help farmers make relations with urban people, and to provide the learning opportunities for their business. Second, the main barriers for farm stay were the deficit for improving their facilities. And the income within their farm stay has been low at government policy village. Third, most of host farmers liked to make relations with their village people. The priorities of their relations were to improve natural and social environment of their villages, to develop the special brands, and to manage village tourism programs.



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