간호대학생의 봉사활동 특성에 따른 욕구충족, 사회성, 전공만족도 연구

A Study on College Nursing Students' Volunteering Activities, Volunteering Motivation and Needs, Sociability and Satisfaction in their Major

  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate undergraduate nursing students' volunteering activities, volunteering motivation- needs, sociability and satisfaction in their major for those who take the social service activities, and to provide basic information for operating the credit system of social service activity as service-learning system. Method: This study is a descriptive study and the participants were 363 of 2nd- and 3rd-year students at a nurses' college in I City, who completed the basic course of volunteering, and the survey was conducted during April 2004. Result: The group who participated in counseling service as a volunteering activity was high in volunteering motivation-needs, sociability and satisfaction in their major. In the group who performed volunteering through circle activities, those who volunteered for children, who participated longer and who had an active attitude showed high volunteering motivation-needs. In the group who had volunteering activities during weekdays, those who took an active attitude toward volunteering showed high sociability. Those who were somewhat dissatisfied with volunteering activities, however, showed significantly high sociability. Satisfaction in the major, namely, nursing was higher in senior students, in those who participated in volunteering activities for the first time at college, those who had religion, those who are active in volunteering activities and those who were highly satisfied with volunteering activities. Considering that active attitude toward volunteering activities and high volunteering motivation-needs enhance nursing students' satisfaction in their major, it is necessary to upgrade the current volunteering activities to the level of service learning. That is, it is necessary to develop new service learning in nursing curriculum that utilizes volunteering activities as well as what they learn in major for community societies.
