경남지역 유우의 산유능력 검정

Herd Management and Control of Dairy Cows by Milk Components in Gyeong-nam

  • 유용상 (경상대학교 수의과대학(동물의학연구소)) ;
  • 김태융 (농림부 가축방역과) ;
  • 김철호 (경상남도 축산진흥연구소) ;
  • 강정부 (경상대학교 수의과대학(동물의학연구소))
  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


The purpose of this study was to herd management and control of dairy cows by milk components analysis in Gyeongsangnamdo. Milk components analysis were carried out milk yield (MY), milk fat (MF), milk protein (MP), milk urea nitrogen (MUN) and somatic cell count (SCC) but, milk solid (MS), day of non-pregnant condition (DNPC), and days of primipara (DPRI) involved in report. Dairy farms were divided high group, middle group, low group according to the standard records for milk components. Examination records were divided by farm, parity, year, season and month, the number of samples were 28,957. Feeding management practice and the prediction for the risk possibility of productive disease such as reproductive and metabolic disorders by evaluating fat, protein, solids. Determination of MY, MF, MP, MS were Milkoscan 4,000~5,000 Serier (FOSS Electric Co., Copenhagen, Denmark). Correlation coefficient of milk protein (MP) and milk solid (MS) was ascertain r=0.759. SCC was ascertain 372.8$\pm$11.34 (thousand unit) and DNPC was ascertain 155.3$\pm$5.15 (days) in seven parity.



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