감성과학 (Science of Emotion and Sensibility)
- 제7권4호
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- Pages.43-49
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- 2004
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- 1226-8593(pISSN)
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- 2383-613X(eISSN)
음악청취가 중학생의 발표불안에 미치는 영향
Effect of Listening to Music on Speech Anxiety among Middle-school Female Students
본 연구는 중학생을 대상으로 지속적인 음악청취가 발표불안에 미치는 영향을 밝히고자 하였다. 실험 참여자는 여중생 두 개 반을 대상으로 통제집단 33명, 실험집단 33명씩 총 66명이고, 음악처치를 받는 집단과 아무런 처치가 주어지지 않는 집단으로 나누었다. 처치 전, 처치 1주 후 및 2주 후에 자기보고식으로 이루어진 발표불안척도(SAS)와 교사의 평가로 이루어진 발표행동 평가척도(SBES)를 통하여 발표불안을 측정하였다. 결과는 음악처치를 받은 실험집단에서 발표불안이 의미 있게 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 음악에 의한 감성 유발이 발표상황에서 받는 스트레스에 긍정적인 효과가 있었다.
This study investigated the effect of listening to music on the reduction of public speech anxiety among middle-school female students. The subjects were 66 female first graders, 33 of the experimental and another 33 of the control group selected from two classes of C middle school in Chonan city. The level of anxiety (SAS) was rated by the subjects through self-report and the speech behavior (SBES) of the subjects were evaluated by a teacher before, a week after and two weeks after the speech trials. 64 pieces of music were selected based on the music therapy-related references. After 23 out of 64 pieces were selected for the preliminary experiment and 7 pieces as having positive effects through evaluating those 23 pieces in the other class in the same gaders were finally selected. Subjects listened to music for 40 min two times a day for two weeks with a cassette player in the classroom. The result yielded the followings: 1) Self-reported public speech anxiety decreased both in the experimental and control groups. However, there found more decrease in the music-listening group than in the non-listening music group. 2) The public speech behavior improved both in the experimental and control groups with on difference between the two groups. This suggests a possibility that SBES may not be a accurate measure to evaluate the speech anxiety. We conclude that two-week listening to music has the effect reduction on speech anxiety.