e-브랜드에 있어서 웹 상호작용성이 관계품질과 고객충성도에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Web Interactivity of e-Brand on Relationship Quality and Customer Loyalty

  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


This study was to identify the determinants of web interactivity and investigate the structural relationships between web interactivity, e-brand relationship quality, and customer loyalty. For these purposes, the authors developed several hypotheses and collected the data from 268 users of Internet site. The data was analyzed with LISREL 8.5. The findings and summary are as follows. First. control had a significantly positive effect on satisfaction. Second, two-way communications had not an effect on satisfaction and trust. Third, responsiveness had a significantly positive effect on satisfaction and customer loyalty. Fourth, satisfaction had a significantly positive effect on trust and customer loyalty. Finally, trust had a significantly positive effect on customer loyalty. At the end of this paper, the managerial and theoretical implications, limitations and further research directions were suggested.



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