소비자의 환경보전행동이 환경제품 및 중고제품 구매에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Consumers′ Environmental Conservation Behavior on the Purchase of Pro-Environmental and Used Products

  • 허경옥 (성신여자대학교 가족문화소비자학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


The effect of consumers' environmental conservation behavior on the purchase of pro-environmental and used products. This study utilized a representative, large data sample to determine consumers' environmental conservation behavior, and purchase of pro-environmental and used products. Differences in these behavioral traits were investigated by socio-demographic variables. In addition, this study investigated the effect of consumers' environmental conservation behavior on the purchase of pro-environmental and used product. The major result were as follows. First, the level of consumers' environmental conservation behavior was low, and consumers did not buy pro-environmental and used products frequently. Second, unemployed married women, consumers with very low or high level of education and high income, consumers older than 40's, and consumers living in apartments showed lower levels of environmental conservation behavior. Third, consumers who were married, dissatisfied with their environmental living conditions, or irrational were more likely to buy pro-environmental products. Men, young, and rational consumers were more likely to buy used products. On the other hand, the level of environmental behavior did not influence the purchase of pro-environmental and used products. The high level of behavior for environmental conservation did not result the purchase of pro-environmental and used products.



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