치매노인의 행동특성을 고려한 공간디자인

Space Design Based on the Behavioral Characteristics of the Elderly with Dementia

  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


This study was intended to suggest the design guidelines of the space for the elderly with dementia. To achieve this, the behavioral characteristics of the elderly with dementia were grasped, and the design cases which were considered and reflected of the behavioral characteristics of the elderly with dementia were examined. Then, the effective space design guidelines which met the behavioral characteristcs of the elderly with dementia were suggested. The behaviors of the elderly with dementia were categorized into cognitive, emotional, and functional behavior. The positive influences of space design on dementia symptom were founded in the planned living environments, accessible and visible location of common space such as living room, soft and homelike interior finishes and lighting, and healing garden. Therefore, the space design for the elderly with dementia should be done on the basis of the dementia symptoms and healing effects.



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