Tropical Night (Nocturnal Thermal High) in the Mountainous Coastal City

  • Choi, Hyo (Dept of Atmospheric Environmental Sciences, Kangnung National University)
  • 발행 : 2004.11.01


The investigation of driving mechanism for the formation of tropical night in the coastal region, defined as persistent high air temperature over than 25$^{\circ}C$ at night was carried out from August 14 through 15, 1995. Convective boundary layer (CBL) of a 1 km depth with big turbulent vertical diffusion coefficients is developed over the ground surface of the inland basin in the west of the mountain and near the top of the mountain, while a depth of thermal internal boundary layer (TIBL) like CBL shrunken by relatively cool sea breeze starting at 100 km off the eastern sea is less than 150 m from the coast along the eastern slope of the mountain. The TIBL extends up to the height of 1500 m parallel to upslope wind combined with valley wind and easterly sea breeze from the sea. As sensible heat flux convergences between the surface and lower atmosphere both at the top of mountain and the inland coast are much greater than on the coastal sea, sensible heat flux should be accumulated inside both the TIBL and the CBL near the mountain top and then, accumulated sensible heat flux under the influence of sea breeze circulation combined with easterly sea breeze from sea to inland and uplifted valley wind from inland to the mountain top returning down toward the eastern coastal sea surface should be transported into the coast, resulting in high air temperatures near the coastal inland. Under nighttime cooling of ground surface after sunset, mountain wind causes the daytime existed westerly wind to be an intensified westerly downslope wind and land breeze further induces it to be strong offshore wind. No sensible heat flux divergence or very small flux divergence occurs in the coast, but the flux divergences are much greater on the top of the mountain and along its eastern slope than on the coastal inland and sea surfaces. Thus, less cooling down of the coastal surface than the mountain surface and sensible heat transfer from warm pool over the coast into the coastal surface produce nocturnal high air temperature on the coastal inland surfaces, which is not much changed from daytime ones, resulting in the persistence of tropical night (nocturnal thermal high) until the early in the morning.



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