6 시그마 방법론을 활용한 부동산업 경영혁신: 전략수립과 핵심성공요소 도출을 중심으로

Management Innovation of Real Estate Business using Six Sigma Methodology: Strategy Planning and Critical Success Factors

  • 이영석 (ERA Korea(주)) ;
  • 박성현 (서울대학교 자연과학대학 통계학과) ;
  • 조병준 (한국능률협회컨설팅 전문위원)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


The real estate management includes not only the brokerage, property management, development, investment and consulting which are related to real estate handling, but also the human resources who deal with the real estate business. The level of management quality of Korean real estate business is rather poor. This paper deals with management innovation of real estate management using Six Sigma methodology The main focus of this Paper is to develop strategy Planning, and is to select critical success factors for each strategy to make an advanced management system for real estate business. This paper is a case study, and the target company for this innovation is ERA-Korea Company. Seven strategies are proposed, and for each strategy several critical success factors are suggested. Through this case study, the authors hope that a management quality model for real estate business is proposed, and an improved management method can be adopted in the other real estate companies.



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