기술력평가에서 사업성수준과 기술성변수간 연관성에 관한 실증연구

An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Market Feasibility Levels and Technology Variables from Technology Competitiveness Assessment

  • 성웅현 (한신대학교 정보통계학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


Technology competitiveness evaluates environmental and engineered technology and process at both the scientific and market levels. There are increasing concerns to measure the effects of the technology variables on the potential market feasibility levels. However, there are very little empirical analysis studies on that issue. This study investigates the impacts of technology variables on the levels of market feasibility based on 230 data obtained from Korea Technology Transfer Center. As various statistical analysis, the canonical discriminant model, logit discriminant model and classification model were used and their results were compared. This study results showed that major technology variables had very significant relations to discriminate high and low categories of market feasibility. Finally, this study will help building management strategies to level up the potential market performance and also help financial Institutions to decide funds needed for small-sized technology firms.



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