Enhancing Nearfield Acoustic Holography using Wavelet Transform

  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


When there are low signal to noise relationships or low coherences between measured pressure and a reference sensor, a pressure field measured and estimated by NAH (Nearfield Acoustic Holography) becomes noisy on the hologram and source planes. This paper proposes a method to obtain the high coherent de-noised pressure signals from low coherent noisy ones by combining a wavelet algorithm with NAH. The proposed method obtains the de-noised field from acoustic fields on a noise source plane reconstructed through backward propagation of NAH. Thus this method does not need high coherent pressure signals on the hologram surface while the conventional nearfield acoustic holography requires high-coherent signals. The proposed method was verified by numerical simulation using noisy signals, composed of original signals and imposed noises distributed on the hologram surface.



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