A Hybrid Correction Technique of Missing Load Data Based on Time Series Analysis

  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


Traditionally, electrical power systems had formed the vertically integrated industry structures based on the economics of scale. However, power systems have been recently reformed to increase their energy efficiency. According to these trends, the Korean power industry underwent partial reorganization and competition in the generation market was initiated in 2001. In competitive electric markets, accurate load data is one of the most important issues to maintaining flexibility in the electric markets as well as reliability in the power systems. In practice, the measuring load data can be uncertain because of mechanical trouble, communication jamming, and other issues. To obtain reliable load data, an efficient evaluation technique to adjust the missing load data is required. This paper analyzes the load pattern of historical real data and then the tuned ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average), PCHIP (Piecewise Cubic Interpolation) and Branch & Bound method are applied to seek the missing parameters. The proposed method is tested under a variety of conditions and also tested against historical measured data from the Korea Energy Management Corporation (KEMCO).



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