A 5-GHz Band CCNF VCO Having Phase Noise of -87 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz Offset

  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


In this paper, we present a new current-current negative feedback(CCNF) differential voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) with 1/f induced low-frequency noise suppressed. By means of the CCNF, the 1/f induced low-frequency noise is removed from the proposed CCNF VCO. Also, high-frequency noise is stopped from being down-converted into phase noise by means of the increased output impedance through the CCNF and the feedback capacitor $C_f. The proposed CCNF VCO represents 11-dB reduction in phase noise at 10 kHz offset, compared with the conventional differential VCO. The phase noise of the proposed CCNF VCO is measured as - 87 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset frequency from 5.5-GHz carrier. The proposed CCNF VCO consumes 14.0 mA at 2.0 V supply voltage, and shows single-ended output power of - 12 dBm.



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