A Design of Architecture Information Management System Using XML

XML을 이용한 건축정보관리 시스템 설계

  • Published : 2004.09.01


This paper describes an architecture information management system using XML. The purpose of the system is to manage the information stored in standard format, XML, that has many valuable properties. The proposed architecture information consists of project information, drawing information, and material information. Each information is expressed using XML and for each information, XML schema is presented in this paper. In this system, detail information of materials that exists on the supplier's homepage can be displayed when the user of the system wants to check the detail information. Also, drawings stored in STEP data can be browsed in this system. The reports of each information are prepared using XSL. The proposed system shows that XML can be used for a format to store architecture information and various functions can be implemented based on XML related standards.



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  2. http://www.steptools.com. STEP
  3. http://www.w3.org/XML, XML
  4. http://www.w3.org/Style/XSL, XSL
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