빈공방(Wiener Werkstaette) 직물디자인의 예술적 특성 연구

A Study on the Artistic Character of Textile Design of the Wiener Werkstaette

  • 임영자 (세종대학교 패션디자인과) ;
  • 최옥수 (영산대학교 뷰티패션학부)
  • 발행 : 2004.11.01


Wiener Werkstaette(workshop) established in 1903 was an artistic handicraft working group, the central figure of which was an architecture, J. Hoffman. Especially its textile design part established in 1910 produced good results. The textile design part of Wiener Werkstaette took total artwork (Gesamtkunstwerke), which Pursued artistic work in all visual parts of life, as a central concept of their work and tried to insert the artistic creativity into the textile design. Regarding the influence relationship between Wiener Werkstaette textile design and formative art, it was influenced by the geometric tendency of C.R. Mackintosh and the style and motive of Japanese art. From 1910's, bright, vivid and cheerful designs were mass-produced by uniquely using various motives, techniques and colors. The formative significance of Wiener Werkstaette textile design are as follows. Firstly, the pattern includes both rational and sensual elements. Secondly, the aesthetic patterns of Wiener Werkstaette include formative elements anticipating the modernism. The leading artistic sense like this played role of catalyzer through which the golden age of artistic decoration, art deco, came. The significance of the textile was made aware through clothes design . The clothes design made with Wiener Werkstaette textile conveyed message as art to everyone and provided the elite of society supporting them with Proud that they are fashion leader ahead of times and have artistic sense. Wiener Werkstaette textile design like this played big role as an instrument for realizing the total artwork by attaining the new artistic formative fruits.



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