바이러스 질병 예방을 위한 식물 경구 백신 연구 동향

Recent Studies of Edible Plant Vaccine for Prophylactic Medicine against Virus-mediated Diseases

  • 한범수 (농업생명공학연구원 신기능소재개발팀) ;
  • 박종석 (농업생명공학연구원 신기능소재개발팀) ;
  • 김형국 (농업생명공학연구원 신기능소재개발팀) ;
  • 하선화 (농업생명공학연구원 신기능소재개발팀) ;
  • 조강진 (농업생명공학연구원 신기능소재개발팀) ;
  • 김용환 (농업생명공학연구원 신기능소재개발팀) ;
  • 김종범 (농업생명공학연구원 신기능소재개발팀)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


Transgenic plants have been studied as delivery system for edible vaccine against various diseases. Edible plant vaccines have several potential advantages as follows: an inexpensive source of antigen, easy administration, reduced need for medical personnel, economical to mass produce and easy transport, heat-stable vaccine without refrigerator, generation of systemic and mucosal immunity and safe antigen without fetal animal-virus contaminants. The amount of recombinant antigens in transgenic plants ranged from 0.002 to 0.8% in total soluble protein, depending on promoters for the expression of interested genes and plants to be used for transformation. Throughout the last decade, edible plant vaccine made notable progresses that protect from challenges against virus or bacteria. However edible plant vaccines have still problems that could be solved. First, the strong promoter or inducible promoter or strategy of protein targeting could be solved to improve the low expression of antigens in transgenic plants. Second, the transformation technique of target plant should be developed to be able to eat uncooked. Third, marker-free vector could be constructed to be more safety. In this review we describe advances of edible plant vaccines, focusing on the yields depending on plants/promoters employed and the results of animal/clinical trials, and consider further research for the development of a new plant-derived vaccine.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Recent Studies on the Edible Plant Vaccine for Prophylactic Medicine against Microorganism-Mediated Diseases vol.32, pp.4, 2005,