Tree Biotechnology and Environmental Concerns

  • Kant, Tarun (Biotechnology Laboratory FGTB Division, Arid Forest Research Institute) ;
  • Emmanuel, C.J.S.K. (Biotechnology Laboratory FGTB Division, Arid Forest Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 2004.03.01


Forestry sector has witnessed some unprecedented events in the recent past both in terms of galloping biotechnological developments and heated environmental debates over risks associated with release of transgenic trees. Improvements in the in vitro propagation techniques has made it possible to develop tissue culture based plant regeneration protocols just for about any tree species. And with the inclusion of every new species within the realms of tissue culture technology, it becomes a candidate for genetic improvement through recombinant DNA technology, the so called genetic engineering. Poplars and their hybrids serve as the model tree species on which most of the genetic transformation work as been carried out. A lot of work has also gone in genetic transformation of fruit trees and trees of horticultural interests. Trees have been successfully transformed for traits ranging from reduction of length of juvenile phase to alteration of tree architecture to altering wood quality by lignin and cellulose modification. More-over trees have been genetically engineered successfully to combat various types of insect pests and pathogens causing diseases. But all these developments have ignited controversies over the possible benefits and risks associated with transgenic plantations by various environmental agencies and activists. Solutions to most of these concerns can be found out with more intensive prioritized research.



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