Evaluation of Offshore Seawater Qualify using Gametes and Embryos of Starfishes (Asterina pectinifera)

불가사리 알을 이용한 연안해수의 수질 평가

  • Published : 2004.09.01


In August 2003, the water quality of offshore waters along the Incheon coast of Korea was evaluated by biological evaluation using gametes, embryos and early development systems of a starfish species (Asterina pectinifera). As the result of performing biological evaluations on seawater samples from a total thirteen sites, the formation rate of normal larva was 16-68%. At seawater sample from site 5 and 13, formation rate of normal larva averaged 16%, the most abnormal rate hindering the early embryo development of the experimental animal, while that of site 3 averaged 68%, the highest formation rate of normal larva. At seawater sample from site 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, formation rate of normal larva averaged 33-54%, those which damage the development of early embryos slightly. At seawater sample from site 1, 5, 6, 8, 13, formation rate of normal larva averaged 16-28%, those which damage the development of early embryos strongly.



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