의류 쇼핑 웹사이트 태도 형성 모델 연구 (제1보) -웹사이트 속성, 웹사이트 쇼핑가치, 웹사이트 태도 측정모형 검증-

Attitude toward the Website for Apparel Shopping (Part I): Measurement Model Testing

  • 홍희숙 (제주대학교 자연과학대학 의류학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.11.01


This study identified convergent validity and discriminant validity of measurement variables by factor analysis using Spss program and tested covariance measurement model including latent variables such as the website attributes (interactivity, search and visual information of website), shopping values(utilitarian and hedonic value) and attitude toward website by AMOS program. The data were collected from a sample of 271 internet shopper of university students(male: 82, female: 189). They visited the website for apparel shopping and, after searching a casual clothing which they wanted to buy, requested to answer the questionnaire. The results were as follows: Variables that reduce validity were deleted in the several steps of factor analysis and initial measurement model testing. Final measurement model was constructed by valid variables was accepted. This measurement model will be input for testing causal research model that can explain how attributes of the website influences on consumer attitude toward the website.



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