Two-Dimensional Adaptive Mesh Generation Algorithm and its Application with Higher-Order Compressible Flow Solver

  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


A combined procedure for two-dimensional Delaunay mesh generation algorithm and an adaptive remeshing technique with higher-order compressible flow solver is presented. A pseudo-code procedure is described for the adaptive remeshing technique. The flux-difference splitting scheme with a modified multidimensional dissipation for high-speed compressible flow analysis on unstructured meshes is proposed. The scheme eliminates nonphysical flow solutions such as the spurious bump of the carbuncle phenomenon observed from the bow shock of the flow over a blunt body and the oscillation in the odd-even grid perturbation in a straight duct for the Quirk's odd-even decoupling test. The proposed scheme is further extended to achieve higher-order spatial and temporal solution accuracy. The performance of the combined procedure is evaluated on unstructured triangular meshes by solving several steady-state and transient high-speed compressible flow problems.



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