The Study about GyoJungEuiSeoGuk of Song Dynasty - On the basis of viewpoint in building the foundation of scientific research -

송대 교정의서국(校定醫書局)에 대한 고찰 -학문연구의 근거 구축의 관점을 중심으로-

  • 왕소영 (대전대학교 한의과대학 의사학교실) ;
  • 최환수 (한국 한의학연구원) ;
  • 김용진 (대전대학교 한의과대학 의사학교실)
  • Published : 2004.03.01


The GyoJungEuiSeoGuk(교정의서국, the bureau for revising of medical books) which was established in the 2nd year of InJong GaWoou of Song dynasty, made comparative analyzation about various kinds of publication and reference materials of all classical medical books that was published until Jin Han and Su Dang dynasty, revised the medical books like as Bozushinnongboncho(보주신농본초), Zungkwangbojuhwangjenegyungsomun(중황보주황제내경소문), Shanghanlon(상한론), Bigupchunggumyobang (비급천금요방), Magkyung (맥경), Hwangjechimgugapeulgyung(황제침구갑을경), Oedaebiyo (외대비요), Chunggumikbang(천금익방) etc. The signification of such revision was not only to preserve the materials which may be lost before, bibliographically and also make the books of Hwangjenegyung(황제내경), Shanghanlon(상한론) etc. become more regularly. And it made the foundation of Korean Medical research depends on the documentary records so as to make it have big development by deductive method till the beginning of modem age. The success of GyoJungEuiSeoGuk indicates that the stagnation of Korean Medical research due to $it^{circ}{\Phi}s$ behind with the development of politics-economy, social culture and scientific technology which based on western scientific culture. So we may draw the conclusion that the success of scientific research needs to parallel with the external and internal factors of the surrounding science.



  1. 동양의학의 기원 박희준
  2. 동서의학교섭의 역사 학술심포지움 발표논문집 한의학과 서양의학의 만남-동서양의 의학교류를 바라보는 네가지 관점 여인석
  3. 民族醫學 한의학 논문과 임상은 물과 기름 이예정
  4. 역사란 무엇인가 H.A. 에로페에프(지음);김연산(편저)
  5. 上海中醫藥雜志 no.8 試論中醫的方法學 歐陽錡
  6. 中醫雜志 關於中醫發展某些規律性的看法 宋知行
  7. 中華醫史雜志 v.25 no.1 試論中國近代醫學的文化背景特點與趨 甄志亞
  8. 한의학 방법론에 관한 고찰 최환수
  9. 宋代醫家學術思相硏究 嚴世蕓
  10. 中醫文獻學 馬繼興
  11. 醫古文知識 北宋醫籍年表 劉時覺
  12. 中華醫史雜志 v.30 no.3 宋以前傷寒論傳本及校勘整理硏究 田思勝
  13. 醫古文知識 no.4 唐本與宋本傷寒論結構比較 衛雲英
  14. 中華醫史雜志 v.32 no.2 千金要方異文對校與硏究 林楠;王立子
  15. 醫古文知識 no.4 論林億校注脈經的貢獻 崔錫章
  16. 醫史與文明 黃侖;黃旭東
  17. 中醫學術史 嚴世蕓
  18. 中國醫學史 甄志亞
  19. 中華醫史雜志 v.29 no.4 宋代文化與中醫古籍整理硏究 蔡永敏;李玉華
  20. 醫古文知識 no.3±? 宋朝禁巫興醫述略 蔡捷恩
  21. 中醫方法論 蕭德馨;蕭德馨
  22. 中醫雜志 no.7±? 中醫學的若干學術特點 諸國本