On the Multi-attribute Decision Making by Entropy Methods

엔트로피 방법에 의한 다 요소 의사결정에 관한 연구

  • 정순석 (충주대학교 산업경영공학과)
  • Published : 2004.06.01


Decision analysis has becomes an important technique for decision making in the face of uncertainty. It is characterized by enumerating all the available courses of action, identifying the payoffs for all possible outcomes, and quantifying the subjective probabilities for the all possible random events. When the data are available, decision analysis becomes a powerful tool for determining an optimal course of action. We study the multi-attribute decision making in a compensatory models. In this paper, we use the entropy methods in weights calculating. For the purpose of making optimal decision, the data of five different car models are used. For computing, we used Visual Numerica Version 1.0 software package.



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