An Ergonomic Research on Injurious Factors Causing Musculoskeletal Disorders at a Bakery Workplace

인간공학적 접근을 통한 제빵업의 근골격계 질환 유해요인 조사

  • 양성환 (국립한국재활복지대학 의료보장구) ;
  • 조문선 (국립한국재활복지대학 의료보장구) ;
  • 강필 (국립한국재활복지대학 의료보장구)
  • Published : 2004.06.01


The purpose of this study is to find injurious factors and to propose an improvement plan on workers' musculoskeletal disorders at a bakery workplace through analyzing the symptom, work posture and quantitative estimate. For this study, a survey and ergonomic estimate methods were adopted. According to the survey, it was analyzed that 429 workers corresponding to 68.2% of the response have been experienced the symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders such as an ache, prickle and numbness. The result of QEC analysis shows that shoulder and waist are highly exposed to musculoskeletal disease. The result of RULA analysis shows that injurious factors of muscle, weight and repeated operations are a little higher than those of operation posture. The result of SI estimate shows that pre-treatment of making bread requiring highly repeated operation gets the highest point of 81, on the other hand, chocolate-coating job requiring relatively low speed and short time gets the point of 4.5. Based on the analyzed results, improvement plan to prevent the musculoskeletal disorders against injurious working process of a bakery workplace. The goal of this study is to propose the improved scheme that prevents the workers against musculoskeletal disorders. A questionnaire and an ergonomic assessment method were adopted to analyze the symptoms of workers' musculoskeletal disorders, and an analysis of working postures and a quantitative assessment on various processes were performed to find out harmful factors of workplace.



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