사업장 규모별 금연 및 절주 프로그램 공급 실태 및 수유

A Study on the Supply and Demands for Worksite Health Promotion Programs

  • 장혜정 (경희대학교 경영대학 의료경영학) ;
  • 장윤업 (경희대학교 경영대학 의료경영학)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


This study investigates the worksite resources and programs for health promotion services, especially in areas of smoking cessation and acohol-reducing. Health promotion program is important for employees and employers to promote their productivity and enhance their quality of life. To explain the worksite health promotion programs, a three-stage survey model was established and 111 worksites filled up the questionnaire. Stages of the model included the supply status of worksite health programs, attitudes to get rid of health risks, and behavioral intentions to provide health promotion programs in the near future. The results of this study are as follows. First, the facility and personnel for health promotion services are not equipped sufficiently in the middle-sized worksites. Second, provided programs are not good enough in both quantity and quality, because most worksites provide inefficient and low-cost programs. Third, worksites provide the programs such as advertisement, education materials especially in large-sized worksites, but not in middle-sized worksites. Therefore, worksites need to be supported with a public institution for efficient programs and continuing legal and systematic support for middle-sized worksites should be emphasized.



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