Iron Toxicity to Peritoneal Macrophage Due to Alteration of Mitochondria by NO

  • Yoon, Ji-Yeon (Department of Life Science, College of Sciences, Sookmyung Women′s University) ;
  • Kim, Jin-Sun (Department of Life Science, College of Sciences, Sookmyung Women′s University) ;
  • Lee, Heum-Sook (Department of Food Science and Technology, Seoul National University of Technology) ;
  • Lee, Kyo-Young (Department of Pathology, Saint Mary′s Hospital) ;
  • Cheon, Choong-Ill (Department of Life Science, College of Sciences, Sookmyung Women′s University) ;
  • Lee, Myeong-Sok (Department of Life Science, College of Sciences, Sookmyung Women′s University) ;
  • Park, Jong-Hoon (Department of Life Science, College of Sciences, Sookmyung Women′s University) ;
  • Song, Eun-Sook (Department of Life Science, College of Sciences, Sookmyung Women′s University)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


The cytotoxic effect of iron was examined in peritoneal macrophage to determine contributing factors by iron injection to rat. Viability was reduced by 24% by the iron-overload and by 30% by short-term iron addition. Total iron was increased by 45% in the iron-overloaded with remarkable elevation (9 to 14 fold) in the presence of $FeSO_4$. Free calcium was also increased by 19% in control and 44% in iron-overloaded group due to additional $FeSO_4$ NO and MDA were increased by 40% and 136%, respectively, with significant reduction (37%) of NAD(P)H. RCR and cytochrome c oxidase activity were lowered approximately by 10% with reduction of mitochondrial membrane potential. Addition of iron was frequently associated with altered distribution of mitochondria of high membrane potential in the iron-overloaded macrophage. These results suggest altered mitochondria with high NO and low NAD(P)H due to iron.



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