생산연도 및 지역별 본엽 2등 잎담배의 주요 화학성분 함량 변이

The Variations of Some Chemical Constituents of Leaf Tobacco(Leaf, Grade 2) Produced in Various Growing Areas from 1999 to 2003 Crop Years

  • 김상범 (KT&G 중앙연구원 담배연구소) ;
  • 정기택 (KT&G 중앙연구원 담배연구소) ;
  • 조수헌 (KT&G 중앙연구원 담배연구소) ;
  • 복진영 (KT&G 중앙연구원 담배연구소) ;
  • 정열영 (KT&G 중앙연구원 담배연구소) ;
  • 이종률 (KT&G 중앙연구원 담배연구소)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


This study was conducted to get the informations for reducing the variation of chemical contents of leaf tobacco. The contents and variations of some chemical constituents of leaf(Leaf, Grade 2) produced in various growing areas from 1999 to 2003 and the effects of meteorological factors on the chemical constituents of leaf were analysed. The contents of analysed constituents of leaf showed high significant differences among crop years in flue-cured and burley, particularly the variation among crop years were higher in chlorine and nicotine contents while lower in total nitrogen content. There were significant differences among growing areas in nicotine and total sugar contents of flue-cured leaf and chlorine content of burley leaf. The total sugar content were negatively correlated to the nicotine and total nitrogen contents in flue-cured leaf. The average air temperature in June and July were positively correlated to the nicotine content of leaf while negatively to total sugar, and the precipitation in May were negatively correlated to the nicotine while positively to total sugar.



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