우리나라 주거형태에 따른 궐련벌레(Lasioderma serricorne F.) 발생 상황

Population Dynamics of Cigarette Beetle, Lasioderma serricorne F., at Different Residential Types in Korea

  • 오명희 (KT&G 중앙연구원 원료연구소)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


This study was designed to investigate population dynamics of cigarette beetle, Lasioderma serricorne F.(Coleoptera, Anobiidae), at differential house types in Korea. In hot season, July 24 to August 24, cigarette beetle adults were captured by sex-pheromon-trap at all house types which were located in Wonjoo, Shintanjin and Suwon area. Cigarette beetle adults were captured only at apartments where located at same area by sex-pheromon-trap during overwintering period in Korea. No relation was detected between a limit of the distribution of cigarette beetle, L. serricorne F. and the distance from tobacco storage warehouses to houses in Korea.



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