부모와의 경제적 교류여부 및 교류액의 결정요인 : 따로 사는 부모가구와 자녀가구를 대상으로

Determinants of Financial Interchanges and the Amount of Monetary Exchanges between Adult Children and Their Parents Living in Separate Households

  • 김지경 (한국노동연구원 노동보험연구센터) ;
  • 송은경 (중앙대학교 가정관리학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that determine daily financial resources interchange between adult children and their parents. The data were drawn from KLIPS(Korea Labor and Income Panel Study), vol. 5(2002). From this dataset, one thousand eight hundred and thirty six adult children's households that had interchanged with or transferred financial resources to or from their parents were selected for this study. The results of this study were as follow: First, when compared to non-interchanging households, the households that interchanged financial resources with their parents tended to have a household head who is economically active, and had relatively plenty of financial resources. Second, the amount of the transaction was much larger for the adult children's households that were reciprocally interchanging financial resources with their parents than the households that transferred resources one-way, either taking from or giving to parents. Third, the main determinants of interchanges with their parents were the household head's demographic characteristic(sex, age, and education) and residential area what affected the amount of the exchanges, on the other hand, were the household head's demographic characteristic(sex, age, and education), household income, and assets.



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