시가지내 산악경관의 시점 높이별 조망 특성 - 청주시 우암산을 대상으로 -

The View Character of Mountainscape of a City according to Visual Point Level - In a Case of Mt. Uam -

  • 정정섭 (청주대학교 대학원 조경학과) ;
  • 권상준 (청주대학교 환경조경학과) ;
  • 조태동 (강릉대학교 환경조경학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


In this research, we have performed a T-test to see how the relationship between dependent variable or visual point level and independent variable or visual quantity is in order to clear up the correlation between pattern of visual point and visual quantity by the constituents of a view from a different visual point level and the results are as follows: 1) In case of the character of Mt. Uam landscape of the city, Uamsan is set as a fixed point and about a direction of view(D), the north is a datum point from which the range of direction is distributed within 1800 westwardly and the visual range(R) is also within 2000m. An elevation is an average of 7.40 and the average story of the buildings is 3.85. Here the height of a story is about 4m so the average of the visual point difference is estimated at 15.4m. 2) The type of visual point is divided into the intersection group and the front of the highly used public buildings group. Double intersection types account for about 78.80%(52 spots) which forms a majority part of LCP. 3) The analysis of the difference of visual point level divided by eye level and that of the top of the buildings has been proved that there's a sharp difference resulted from t-test at 1 % significant level. The significant difference of elevation from height difference(l5.93m), however, has not been shown. 4) From the result of T-test about visual quantity by the elements of a view from a different visual point level, the visual quantity of mountain(VQM), sky(VQS), ground(VQG) is significant at about 1% each and that of building(VQB) is at about 5%. The difference in visual quantity of a mountain by the visual point level is at about 4% which can meet a marginal level of LCP necessary for evaluation of mountainscape.



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