민간운영업체의 참여를 통한 항만경쟁력 제고

Port competitiveness accelerated by private port management company

  • 김진환 (한국방송통신대학교 무역학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


The meaning of seaport has always been translated into something concerned with nation-wide goals and viewpoints, which used to be in developing country. The time developing countries have tried to be in pursuit of their economic development, one of important sectors is SOC investment that is needed into huge capital input which they couldn't easily afford to it. Another one which we have to mention in terms of seaport at contemporary maritime matters is privatization of port, that is strongly connected with efficiency to achieve port productivity. All these factors can produce high quality of service, and port co-operation and diversification of their business areas, etc. Therefore we then have to think of private port management companies such as P&O Ports, Hutchison Whampoa in HK, etc. in order to provide better port service to the customers, and they can also get involved into capital port investment as well. This kind of concept already comes from Denholm Ship management companies in shipping. So, it is necessary for us to look into port management company in our side, which means, we have to be involved into such a business to invest and manage foreign ports as well as our ports. Then, port competitiveness will follow in our ports.
