Two bitches were presented to the Teaching Animal Hospital, Chonbuk National University with vagina prolapse along with prolapse of the bladder. Case 1 was a 2 years old, 38.5 kg, female Tosa dog which had slight shock and depression. She had a labor pain vagina prolapse since last 3 days. Case 2 was a 2 years old, 25 kg, female Rottweiler dog which was presented with the similar clinical signs with case 1. In both the dogs we performed plain radiography, CBC, blood chemistry and urine analysis. In case 1, we performed cesarean section along with the repositioning the vagina and the bladder. We found 13 fetuses among which 7 were alive. In case 2, we also performed cesarean section and recovered the fetuses. There were 7 fetuses but only one was alive. Among the 6 dead fetuses 3 were congenitally deformed. Then we reduced prolapsed vagina and bladder, and repositioned them. After that we performed ovariohysterectomy. Both the bitches become recovered from the prolapse of the vagina and bladder and there was no recurrence of the condition.