르 꼬르뷔지에와 알바 알토의 가구디자인 특성 비교 연구

A Study on Comparing Characteristics of Le Corbusier′s Furniture Design with Alvar Aalto′s

  • 이진영 (인하대학교 교육대학원 미술교육학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


Architects and designers of the 20th Century made various efforts to establish new design languages reflecting the changes of society, the times, and environment. They used furniture, especially chairs, as controversial items of aesthetic value, society and ideology. Le Corbusier and Alvar Aalto are furniture designers as well as architects, who adopted this ‘spirit of the times’ actively and have greatly contributed to modernism. This study will help us to understand the diversity of design since modernism, by comparing these two designers' furniture design. It also covers the common factors In modern furniture design, and analyses their individuality and likeness In design. The following is a comparison of furniture design by Le Corbusier and Alvar Aalto. Le Courbusier linked International design and Aalto linked Rational design and Organic concept design to their furniture, just as they did in their architecture. They were able to establish the base of modern furniture design by adapting new concepts and pursuing humanism. In structure, Le Corbusier's furniture Is simple and proportional. It demonstrates a sophisticated geometric composition, mechanical beauty. On the other hand, Aalto rationally linked nature with human requirements and his furniture is organic and in harmony with geometric structure. In function, Le Corbusier's furniture is standardized and prefabricated. He designed for the user so they could choose to use the furniture efficiently to suit their needs. In comparison with Le Corbusier, Aalto Invented the ‘Stacking Chair’ which allows a more effective use of space and reflected the structure of the human body to improve the user's comfort. In materials and techniques, Le Corbusier used new materials like metal or leather, and attempted new ways such as welding, prefabrication, and standardization for production. On the contrary, Alto mainly used birch, which is the traditional material in Finland, and tried new bent wood techniques and joining methods.



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