공간행태적 측면에서 본 퇴계의 ‘경’사상과 도산서당 공간의 상관성에 관한 연군

A Study on Interrelation between Toegye′s ‘Piety’ Notion and Space of the Dosan Saudang from an Behavioral point of view

  • 안민선 (서울대학교 대학원 디자인학부 공간디자인전공) ;
  • 권영걸 (서울대학교 미술대학 디자인학부)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


A built space reflects its society's philosophy, culture and technology of its time period. The study explores interrelation between Toey-Gae's 'Kyung' (Piety) philosophy and architectural designs of the 'Do-San' Sau-Dang (School). Toey-Gae is a leading scholar during Chosun Dynasty who built the Do-San School to teach and showcase Sung Confucianism. He is known for his teachings and practice of 'Kyung' philosophy in all aspects of his life including his work and designs. It is also known that he personally picked and purchased the land best suited to display spirit of 'kyung' philosophy while directing the base design and construction of the building. His attentions to details are evident in his choice of city, building site, and way he arrange his designs within the natural environment. Thus, we can safely presuppose the design of Do-San Sau-Dang was created following Toey-Gae's ideology in its buildings and environment. By examining Toey-Gae's philosophy of 'Kyung' through his writings, physical location and actual designs of Do-San Sau-Dang, we can understand how this ancient philosophical ideology and thoughts were translated to a physical form and its space. The study will also explore the importance of such ideology in the society at the time and how it influenced physical and mental activities of its people.



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