Anti-Diabetic Effects of DA-11004, a Synthetic IDPc Inhibitor in High Fat High Sucrose Diet-Fed C57BL/6J Mice

  • Shin, Chang-Yell (Research Laboratories, Dong-A Pharm. Co. Ltd.) ;
  • Jung, Mi-Young (Research Laboratories, Dong-A Pharm. Co. Ltd.) ;
  • Lee, In-Ki (Research Laboratories, Dong-A Pharm. Co. Ltd.) ;
  • Son, Mi-Won (Research Laboratories, Dong-A Pharm. Co. Ltd.) ;
  • Kim, Dong-Sung (Research Laboratories, Dong-A Pharm. Co. Ltd.) ;
  • Lim, Joong-In (Research Laboratories, Dong-A Pharm. Co. Ltd.) ;
  • Kim, Soon-Hoe (Research Laboratories, Dong-A Pharm. Co. Ltd.) ;
  • Yoo, Moo-Hi (Research Laboratories, Dong-A Pharm. Co. Ltd.) ;
  • Huh, Tae-Lin (TG Biotech Co. Ltd, RM 507 Techno B/D, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Sohn, Young-Taek (College of Pharmacy, Duksung Womens University) ;
  • Kim, Won-Bae (Research Laboratories, Dong-A Pharm. Co. Ltd.)
  • 발행 : 2004.01.01


DA-11004 is a synthetic, potent NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDPc) inhibitor where $IC_{50}$ for IDPc is 1.49 $\mu$M. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of DA-11004 on the high fat high sucrose (HF)-induced obesity in male C57BL/6J mice. After completing a 8-week period of experimentation, the mice were sacrificed 1hr after the last DA-11004 treatment and their blood, liver, and adipose tissues (epididymal and retroperitoneal fat)were collected. There was a significant difference in the pattern of increasing body weight between the HF control and the DA-11004 group. In the DA-11004 (100 mg/kg) treated group the increase in body weight significantly declined and a content of epididymal fat and retroperitoneal fat was also significantly decreased as opposed to the HF control. DA-11004 (100 mg/kg) inhibited the IDPc activity, and thus, NADPH levels in plasma and the levels of free fatty acid (FFA) or glucose in plasma were less than the levels of the HF control group. In conclusion, DA-11004 inhibited the fatty acid synthesis in adipose tissues via IDPc inhibition, and it decreased the plasma glucose levels and FFA in HF diet-induced obesity of C57BL/6J mice.



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