사용자 요구분석을 통한 리모델링방법 선정에 관한 연구 -공동주택을 중심으로-

A Study on the Selection of Remodeling Method by User's Request Analysis -Focused on Apartment House-

  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


Lately construction industry tends to prefer remodeling of existing buildings rather than new construction or reconstruction of buildings due to strengthening of several restriction related to real estates along with prolonged depression. And also, remodeling of building costs less and creates less wastes compared to reconstruction and so it is more profitable in financial and environmental view. However remodeling is process of creating new environment with existing building. Therefor remodeling must follow the procedure realizing problem and fix the problem based on through investigation on existing building and users requirement must be faithfully reflected. Specially in case of apartment houses, since vagueness on ownership and management authority on common parts exists. Hereupon, in this study we are to present the procedure of analyzing apartment house remodeling method through user requirement by approaching to several considerable factors in user request side.



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