An Experimental Study on Quality Management of Strength in High Strength Mass Concrete Structure Using Thermal Insulation Material

보온재를 사용한 고강도 매스 콘크리트의 품질관리에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2004.06.01


This study is a basic experiment on quality management of the compression strength of high strength concrete, aiming. at quality management of high strength mass concrete by giving the temperature hysteresis of the mass test pieces to managerial test pieces. Different from ordinary concrete, high strength concrete generally shows the temperature high rising caused by hydration heat inside the concrete. It is known that, in mass concrete, thermal stress occurs due to the difference in temperature between the inside and the outside, which causes a significant difference in compression strength between structure beams and managerial test pieces. It is also reported that there is a large difference between the compression strength of cylindrical managerial test pieces of standard underwater curing and the strength of structure beam concrete. Thus, this study made concrete test pieces in an optimal mix ratio for each strength level, and also created thermal insulation curing box and managerial test pieces. Then it carried out comparative analysis in relation to core strength and suggested equipment and a technique that can control the strength of high strength concrete mass more conveniently and accurately.



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